Today, the RIdPEF is 10 years old \o/


We are the oldest still active essploration community, but also one of the oldest french speaking about Wow.

For the occasion, Eleïs has drawn a cute birthday cake!

RIdPEF cake 10 years

As you may have noticed, changes are occurring slowly since the beginning of 2016. Access requirements for the private sections (wings) have evolved to adapt to what is Wow today. Resources in the wings are updated little by little. Finally, this is the contests' and events' great come back, whether they concern Wow or Minecraft. For a few years the RIdPEF has slowly diversified its activities, and members also gather in other universes.

What are the future plans?

The big news of the moment is the forum's migration, planned for the May 21st weekend (yeah, that's soon!). During its 10 years of existence, the RIdPEF has had a temporary forum (the pink one), another forum which has unfortunately crashed into oblivion, and after some hibernation time, the current forum on forumactif, first in pistacchio colour, and then with its current design.

In order to make sure that the forum is properly archived, and to get away from forumactif, the forum is going to move... in Switzerland :) After months of very hard work, Tresmollo has prepared everything to make the forum change its hosting, and update it to phpBB 3, while keeping its current graphical design. For the community, thaht means being totally free about the forum's future, without depending on an external service. That will also mean news possibilities. For example, the images in the forum's posts will be able to be hosted directly on the forum, preventing dead links on old posts.

Technically, during the update, the forum will be switched on read-only. It means that for a day or two, it will not be posible to write new messages, while the mogration occurs. Everything will be back to normal after that.

However, a word of warning : private messages will not be migrated! Before next weekend, remember to save by yourself the private messages that you want to keep.

Apart from the forum, the site is also being reworked. It should be transferred soon from CMSMadeSimple to Drupal, a better and more practical system for our needs. The graphical design will be closer to that of the forum, more content will be added and the current one reviewed! :)

At last, a birthday is celebreated... with games \o/

For the anniversary, Kyssah, Eleïs and Zhao have prepared contests :

Grab your goblin gliders, and get ready for 10 more years! :)